#**************************************************************************** # robots.txt # : Robots, spiders, and search engines use this file to detmine which # content they should *not* crawl while indexing your website. # : This system is called "The Robots Exclusion Standard." # : It is strongly encouraged to use a robots.txt validator to check # for valid syntax before any robots read it! # # Examples: # # Instruct all robots to stay out of the admin area. # : User-agent: * # : Disallow: /admin/ # # Restrict Google and MSN from indexing your images. # : User-agent: Googlebot # : Disallow: /images/ # : User-agent: MSNBot # : Disallow: /images/ #**************************************************************************** User-agent: * Disallow: /images/avatars/ Disallow: /images/captchas/ Disallow: /images/forum_attachments/ Disallow: /images/interface/ Disallow: /images/pm_attachments/ Disallow: /images/signature_attachments/ Disallow: /images/smileys/ Disallow: /js/ Disallow: /themes/ Sitemap: https://wwda.us/index.php/sitemap